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Diamond Buying Tips

Here are a few quick pointers to add to your knowledge of The 4 C's of Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat. But make sure you read the full discussions of these characteristics of a diamond and watch the accompanying videos which will provide you with much more information. Feel free to contact us at 718-473-9104 with any questions you may have.

Diamond Cut

  1. The sparkle of a well-cut diamond can actually make it appear larger than one might expect based on carat weight alone.

  2. Cut is so important to a diamond's overall beauty, A. Fishman & Son recommends purchasing the highest cut grade within your budget.

  3. Poorly cut diamonds will appear dull or glassy, and, in those areas where light leaks out of the bottom of the diamond, may have dark areas.

  4. Shape and cut are often used synonymously, but while shape describes a diamond's form, such as round or oval, cut is a grade that refers to a diamond's light return, or, as we generally think of it, sparkle.

  5. Diamonds with the highest cut grades cost more, not only because they are rarer, but also because of the skill and experience needed by the diamond cutter to produce such a beautiful stone. In addition, far more time is required to produce a well-cut stone.

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Inferior Cut Diamonds

Deep Cut

Inferior Cut Diamonds

Shallow Cut

Diamond Color


  1. The human eye tends to detect sparkle (light performance) before color. This is why color is generally considered the second-most important characteristic of buying a diamond, after cut.

  2. As diamond size increases, color becomes more noticeable. This is especially important to keep in mind if purchasing a diamond of two carats or greater.

  3. The visible difference between diamonds of one color grade, for example G to H or I to J, is so minor it is difficult to detect with the unaided eye. The cost savings, however, can be significant.

  4. Diamond shapes that reflect more light (i.e. have more sparkle), such as round or princess, can mask some color in a diamond

  5. The type of metal in which a diamond is set can complement its color. Consider setting diamonds graded I or J in yellow gold. White gold or platinum best complement diamonds with a color grade of D through H.

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Diamond Clarity


  1. Most imperfections are so small they cannot be seen by the unaided eye.

  2. If your budget is tight, it might be possible to purchase a diamond with a visible imperfection, but hide it beneath a ring prong where it will never be seen.

  3. As diamond size increases, the size of the facets also increases. Because facets are essentially windows into a diamond, the importance of purchasing a diamond with a higher clarity grade increases.

  4. Asscher- and emerald-shaped diamonds are designed with long facets that emphasize transparency over sparkle. For these diamonds, A. Fishman & Son recommends purchasing a diamond with a clarity grade of VS1 or better to ensure the imperfections will not be visible.

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Diamond Carat

  1. Carat weight alone will not give you an accurate view of a diamond's size, but should be considered in conjunction with the measure in millimeters across the top of a diamond, and the diamond's cut grade.

  2. Diamond prices jump at the full-carat and half-carat marks. To get the best value, look for diamonds just below these sizes, for example purchase a .97-carat diamond instead of a one-carat. Visually, you will not be able to see a difference in size, but your savings can be significant.

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5.00 - 5.55mm 5.85 - 6.05mm






6.40-6.55mm 7.45-7.60mm

