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Need help? Get support.

If you have any questions and/or comment, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can speak to the owner, Josh Fishman and I will respond to your inquiries promptly. If you are very interested in a diamond, please call us to reserve the stone.

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E-Mail & General Information


Visit Us (by Appointment)

A. Fishman & Son
580 Fifth Avenue
(New Entrance on NW side of 47th Street)
Suite 402
New York, NY 10036

Appointment Hours

Monday-Thursday: 9:15am-4:00pm
Friday: Call for Appointment
Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED
National and Jewish Holidays: CLOSED

FaceTime with Us

You can also FaceTime with Josh Fishman personally with your iPhone by calling Josh on his iPhone at 914-912-3962 during business hours. This will allow you to see Josh in person so that he can show you the diamonds you may be interested in during a live face-to-face meeting with him. It would be most appropriate to schedule such a FaceTime meeting in advance.

Skype with Us

If you have a video camera on your computer, just download the Skype software and we can talk face to face! Go to to get the software. SkypeID is afishmanson

                    If you have a specific request, please fill out the form below.